
2016年11月13日 星期日

Scala筆記 28 - 用Streams解決Search Problem,以倒水問題為例

Search Problem

所謂search problem就是在一個問題的可能解決地圖中,找到一條解決路徑,最好也是optimal的解決路徑,Scala課程中以倒水問題為例,而功課則要學生找出Bloxorz這個遊戲的解決路徑。

1. 倒滿
2. 清空
3. 從a杯倒到b杯

Modeling States

這個跟我之前上Berkely AI課程的小精靈問題一樣,我們先把n個空杯子用一個Vector[Int]來代表,任何Vector[Int]可能的值就是一個state,並且先列出所有可以走的actions組合,因為待會就要在search space中利用這些actions來建立search path:

class Pouring(capacity: Vector[Int]) { //各種容量的杯子
  type State = Vector[Int]
  val initalState = capacity map (_ => 0) //一開始所有杯子是空的
  //move types  
  trait Move
  case class Empty(glass: Int) extends Move
  case class Fill(glass: Int) extends Move
  case class Pour(from: Int, to: Int) extends Move

  //all indices  
  val glasses = 0 until capacity.length

  //all possible moves/actions  
  val moves =
    (for(g <- glasses) yield Empty(g)) ++
    (for(g <- glasses) yield Fill(g)) ++
      (for(g1 <- glasses; g2 <- glasses; if g1 != g2)
        yield Pour(g1,g2))


Modeling Moves

我們會從initial state開始長出三個可能的move path,分別是Empty, Fill, Pour,所以我們還需要知道從某個state經過一個move之後,會變成哪一個state? 我們在trait Move中加入一個change method:(這邊的邏輯比較不直覺,我會寫成State有一個change(move:Move)的方法,而不是在Move class中寫一個change(state:State))

//move types
trait Move {
  def change(state:State):State

case class Empty(glass: Int) extends Move {
  override def change(state: State): State = state updated(glass, 0)

case class Fill(glass: Int) extends Move {
  override def change(state: State): State = state updated(glass, capacity(glass))

case class Pour(from: Int, to: Int) extends Move{
  override def change(state: State): State = {
    val amount = math.min( state(from), capacity(to) - state(to) )
    (state updated(from, state(from)-amount)) updated (to, state(to) + amount)

collection的updated method是一個immutable method,會產生一個新的collection,但是在某個index的value不同而已。

Modeling Paths

我們接著要來model path,某一條path其實就是每次move的歷史,我們把最新的move放在list head,有了這個history,我們可以利用每個move間的change來計算出最後的end state:

//Pathsclass Path(history:List[Move]) {
  def extend(move:Move) = (new Path(move::history))
  override def toString = (history.reverse mkString(" ")) + "-->" + endState
def endState: State = trackState(history) private def trackState(xs: List[Move]): State = xs match { case Nil => initalState case move::xs1 => move change trackState(xs1) } }

val initialPath = new Path(Nil)

上面trackState會先recursively抵達Nil,然後把initialState當作參數傳給第一個move的change method:

(lastMove change ...... (move2 chage (move1 change initialState)))

所以這是一個foldRight operation,我們可以把endState改寫成:

def endState: State = history.foldRight(initalState)( _ change _ )

Search space exploration

我們有了所有的models,現在可以開始做Breadth-first search。BFS search的過程類似從洋蔥的核心(initalState),一層層往外extend出同樣長度的path,對洋蔥中的某一層來說,已經長出了一些paths,接下來要長出下一層,這邊就要用到Streams:

def from(paths:Set[Path]): Stream[Set[Path]] =
  if (paths.isEmpty) Stream.empty  
  else {
    val more:Set[Path] = for {
      path:Path <- paths
      extendedPath:Path <- moves map(x => path.extend(x))
    } yield extendedPath

    paths #:: from(more) //union the extended paths  }

val pathSets = from(Set(initialPath))




val problem = new Pouring(Vector(4,6))


res0: IndexedSeq[problem.Move] = Vector(Empty(0), Empty(1), Fill(0), Fill(1), Pour(0,1), Pour(1,0))

res1: List[Set[problem.Path]] = List(Set(-->Vector(0, 0)))

res1: List[Set[problem.Path]] = List(
Set(-->Vector(0, 0)),
Pour(0,1)-->Vector(0, 0),
Fill(0)-->Vector(4, 0),
Empty(1)-->Vector(0, 0),
Empty(0)-->Vector(0, 0),
Pour(1,0)-->Vector(0, 0),
Fill(1)-->Vector(0, 6))

我們現在可以寫這個倒水問題的solution method:

def solution(target:Int): Stream[Path] =
  for {
    pathSet <- pathSets    path <- pathSet
    if path.endState contains target
  } yield path

這個邏輯就是stream神奇的地方,pathSets是一個Stream[Set[Path]] type,本來應該是不會evaluate,但是由於stream的head是strict evaluation,所以head一定會evaluate,直到遇到第一個滿足if條件為止,此時stream就不會在evaluate下去。

深度不能確定是多少,要看滿足第一個if的path何時出現。This is not an optimized solution, might be very slow and not optimal!

total source code for now:

class Pouring(capacity: Vector[Int]) { //各種容量的杯子
  //states  type State = Vector[Int]
  val initalState = capacity map (_ => 0) //一開始所有杯子是空的
  //move types  trait Move {
    def change(state:State):State  }
  case class Empty(glass: Int) extends Move {
    override def change(state: State): State = state updated(glass, 0)
  case class Fill(glass: Int) extends Move {
    override def change(state: State): State = state updated(glass, capacity(glass))
  case class Pour(from: Int, to: Int) extends Move{
    override def change(state: State): State = {
      val amount = math.min( state(from), capacity(to) - state(to) )
      (state updated(from, state(from)-amount)) updated (to, state(to) + amount)

  //all indices  
  val glasses = 0 until capacity.length

  //all possible moves/actions  
  val moves:IndexedSeq[Move] =
    (for(g <- glasses) yield Empty(g)) ++    
    (for(g <- glasses) yield Fill(g)) ++      
    (for(g1 <- glasses; g2 <- glasses; if g1 != g2)        
      yield Pour(g1,g2))

  //Paths (我們記錄所有的moves,List head是最後的move)  
  class Path(history:List[Move]) {
    def extend(move:Move) = (new Path(move::history))
    def endState: State = history.foldRight(initalState)( _ change _ )
    override def toString = (history.reverse mkString(" ")) + "-->" + endState

  val initialPath = new Path(Nil)

  def from(paths:Set[Path]): Stream[Set[Path]] =
    if (paths.isEmpty) Stream.empty    
    else {
      val more:Set[Path] = for {
        path:Path <- paths
        extendedPath:Path <- moves map(x => path.extend(x))
      } yield extendedPath

      paths #:: from(more) //union the extended paths    

  val pathSets = from(Set(initialPath))

  def solution(target:Int): Stream[Path] =
    for {
      pathSet <- pathSets      
      path <- pathSet
      if path.endState contains target
    } yield path


