Counting change problem in parallel
這個問題的sequential版本在此,又忘記了,哈哈。這題目還不錯,把n=4和denomination =[1,2]的tree都畫出來,這樣很好理解:
首先要決定thresholding for agglomeration,agglomeration就是避免parallelism的recursive depth太深,這其實有可能造成很大的synchronization overhead (multithreading是有synchronization overhead),所以到當input size < threshold (base case),我們就該停止recursion,然後採用sequential processing。
“Counting change is a canonical example of a task-parallel problem in which the partitioning the workload across processors is solution-driven -- to know how to optimally partition the work, we would first need to solve the problem itself.”
這作業的目的就是要我們知道,即便可以做task parallelization,怎麼分配task load是一個問題,而且需要先解出這個母問題才能解出task load怎麼分配的問題,雞生蛋蛋生雞的問題。這邊難處在於我們不能判斷sequential版本要花費多少時間,不像是array segment那樣容易推理。
作業採用了3種thresholding heuristics,要我們試驗看看哪個比較好?
speedup ~= 3.x倍
Balancing Parentheses in Parallel
這題其實很簡單,但是traverse function的提示誤導了人,多了那兩個int 其實是給recursion用的,如果寫while的話,就完全用不到這兩個ints。這題目的sequential版本很直接的簡單,但是parallel版本就有點需要思考,首先要知道每次reduce的時候(想像成recursion tree中的non-lead node),兩個children其實一定是consecutive array segments,所以真正要消除配對的括號要在此階段做,-而不能在sequential traverse中做。
關鍵點在reduction operator其實是找出兩個consecutive segment抵銷matching bracket之後的左右brackets數量。
def parBalance(chars: Array[Char], threshold: Int): Boolean = { def traverse(idx: Int, until: Int, arg1: Int, arg2: Int) :(Int,Int) = { //returns (#left brackets, #right brackets) if not cancelled var i = idx var leftBracketCount = 0 var rightBracketCount = 0 while (i < until) { if (chars(i) == '(') { leftBracketCount += 1 } else if (chars(i) == ')') { if (leftBracketCount != 0) leftBracketCount -= 1 else rightBracketCount += 1 } i += 1 } (leftBracketCount, rightBracketCount) } def reduce(from: Int, until: Int) : (Int, Int) = { if (until - from <= threshold) traverse(from, until, 0, 0) else { val mid = (from + until)/2 val ( (aLeft:Int,aRight:Int), (bLeft:Int,bRight:Int) ) = parallel(reduce(from, mid), reduce(mid, until)) val leftCount = if (aLeft >= bRight ) aLeft - bRight + bLeft else bLeft val rightCount = if (aLeft >= bRight ) aRight else aRight + bRight - aLeft (leftCount, rightCount) } } reduce(0, chars.length) == (0,0) }
Line of sight in Parallel
題意要先搞清楚。一個x軸為水平位置,y軸為高度的terrain:要計算每個x位置的visibility,但是規定視線只能往上,不能往下,也就是如果tan(x1) > tan(x2),則visibility(x2) = visibility(x1) = tan(x1),反之visibility(x2) = tan(x2),所以sequential 版本的 line of sight很簡單如下:
def max(a: Float, b: Float): Float = if (a > b) a else b def lineOfSight(input: Array[Float], output: Array[Float]): Unit = { var i = 1 output(0) = 0 while(i < input.length) { val tangent = input(i) / i output(i) = max(tangent,output(i-1)) i += 1 } }
這是一個prefix sum problem,也就是output(n+1) = f( output(n), input(n+1),a0 = 0 ,因為一開始在原點沒有位移,所以斜率=0。
我們要先建立reduction tree,透過upsweep 過程。
reduction tree的用意其實就是一個可以parallelize的tree structure,此reduction tree會在每個node都儲存apply f這樣才能進行downsweep。
一個upsweep的reduction tree應該是長這樣:
| |
max max
| | | |
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
注意leaf不一定是single value(因為會有threshold來控制parallel depth),如果是一個array或是collection,則就相當於找出以此為root node的subtree的reduction value,但是在downsweep的時候又要sequential跑一次。
所以基本上這就是模仿課堂中的prefix sum範例就好。
這門課的作業test case給得很少,可以submit時放入log來debug。