1. head
def head[T](list:List[T]) : T = list match {
case Nil => throw new Errorcase x::xs => x }
head很簡單就直接return第一個element,是constant time
2. last
def last[T](list:List[T]): T = list match {
case Nil => throw new Errorcase x::Nil => x
case x::xs =>last(xs)}
這個worst case是linear time
3. init (把list中最後一個element去掉)
def init[T](list:List[T]): List[T] = list match { case Nil => throw new Error case x::Nil => Nil
case x::xs => x::init(xs) }
這個也是linear time
4. concat
def concat[T](list1:List[T], list2:List[T]) : List[T] = list1 match { case Nil => list2 case x::Nil => x::list2 case x::xs => x::concat(xs, list2) }
這個time complexity proportional to list1的長度
5. reverse
這個要用到我們之前implement的concat (一開始我忘了有implement concat,所以也可以用last/init去兜)
def reverse[T](list:List[T]): List[T] = list match { case Nil => Nil case x::xs => concat(reverse(xs), List(x)) }
time complexity: concat是linearly proportional to n, 而我們需要走過所有的element,所以是n*n complexity
所以就用我一開始想到的last和init去兜的話,就會有linear time complexity:
def reverseLinear[T](list:List[T]): List[T] = list match { case Nil => Nil case x::xs => last(list) :: reverseLinear(init(list)) }
6. removeAt
def removeAt[T](n:Int, list:List[T]) : List[T] = list match { case Nil => Nil
case x::xs => if (n == 0) xs else x::removeAt(n-1,xs) }
time complexity: linear
7. flatten
這要用到nested match
def flatten(list: List[Any]): List[Any] = { list match { case Nil => Nil case x :: xs => x match { case y::ys => concat(flatten(y::ys) , flatten(xs)) case nonlist => nonlist :: flatten(xs) } } }